Additional Links to Information and Resources

Control Objectives for IT (COBIT) is a mature, comprehensive set of IT control objectives used many organizations and IT auditors worldwide.

ISO 17799:2005
International Standards Organization 17799 version 2005 (ISO/IEC 17799:2005) focus' on information securityis management. Used for more than 5 years by IT Security administrators and experts worldwide.

Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) "CMMI is a process improvement approach that provides organizations with the essential elements of effective processes. It can be used to guide process improvement across a project, a division, or an entire organization."

IT Ifrastructure Library (ITIL) "is the most widely accepted approach to IT service management in the world. ITIL provides a cohesive set of best practice, drawn from the public and private sectors internationally."

Quest Software
Best Practice Guide to the Compliance Lifecycle "This white paper provides an overview of how organisations can assess their environment and controls, audit and alert on unapproved user activity, and develop remediation procedures."

Microsoft TechNet
Security Risk Management Guide "Customers can be overwhelmed when attempting to put in place a plan for security risk management. This can be because they do not have the in-house expertise, budget resources, or guidelines to outsource. To assist these customers, the Microsoft has developed The Security Risk Management Guide"

Palisade Corporation
Palisade DecisionTools Suite "Software for risk and decision analysis, including @RISK and the DecisionTools."

Enterprise Quality and Compliance Management Software "EtQ has developed a stand-alone Risk Assessment Software module that allows users to configure and integrate risk-based assessment tables within all of EtQ's modules, or as an independent risk event."

CURA Software Solutions "For over six years, Cura has developed enterprise solutions that have assisted over 200 organizations meet their Risk and Compliance needs. Cura is considered a leading GRC vendor by Gartner Research and Forrester Research."

Tips & Tools

Coming Soon
Cybersecurity and risk tips and tools section is currently under development...please check back soon.